Tuesday, January 20, 2009

My Apologies Mr. President

Dear Fmr. President Bush,

As you settle in on your ranch back in the good 'ole state of Texas, I wanted to extend to you an apology on behalf of the American People. Not once, but twice did we as a nation appoint you to an office and to a position in which you were not ready to serve. In doing so, we made a mockery of the office of POTUS and in doing so, we've set our country back in time to a place that many of us have never seen and that none of us recognize. For the past 7 years, we've allowed you to take the full blame for the deterioration of our economy, our status in the world and the dull on the shine of Madam Liberty. For too long we've held you responsible for something that ultimately was the fault of us, the people.

You see, it takes a great man to be The President of The United States, and in no way am I doubting your greatness, however, it is with deep sadness that I inform you that you were not ready. You were not ready for the daunting task of representing hundreds of millions of people on the global stage. Don't get me wrong, I understand how much pressure that is for one human being to suffer, especially if you are not THE right person for the job. We've allowed you to be the face of ridicule and scandal, we even allowed an Iraqi reporter to throw his shoes at you. No one deserves that treatment, you didn't deserve that treatment from him, you didn't deserve that treatment from us, and quite frankly, you didn't deserve our votes. But, alas, all of that is water under the bridge now. You can now sit back on your ranch in Texas, kick your feet up and eat peanuts paid for by us and that nice little Presidential Pension check you'll start receiving soon. Please accept this apology on behalf of myself and the other 290 million Americans that have caused you to endure such great pains.

God Bless.


A Citizen That's Decided To STEAL Back His Country.

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