Friday, June 24, 2011

Let Me Help With Your Zipper

Tempting, temptations abound.

Masked behind the fabrics of your zipper, itching to be pulled down.

Pulled up are my thoughts

as I recall from a memory.

The sweetness of flesh in my mouth;

a sort of sublime divinity

Intrigued I am by the half dressed,

so beautifully blessed I salivate at the mounds on your chest

The slow boil of seduction has reduced me to just a shell of the well spoken,

thought provoking poet laureate,

blank page smoking,

soon to be blunt toked after deep dick strokin'


For a moment

while I inhale these thoughts broken

by your love totin,

body scorchin

look but don't touch unless those are true words spoken

Figure that stands before me,

carved and dissected beautifully

you shall be erected upon my erection as your eyes turn into a mirror and garners my reflection

A reflection that began with a twinkle

as I noticed the sway of your hips as you stalked by.

Not knowing that my prayers for prey would be answered by the tight suit,

heel wearing woman with the busty front who's zipper didn't go all the way up

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