So, I haven’t been the most dedicated blogger. I’m going to apologize for that however, it’s not that I’ve fallen off of the cyberspace map, I just have a tendency to spend my internet leisure time with my cohorts over on Twitter. If you haven’t been captured by the Twitter/Tweeting craze, feel free to come and join us to see what the fuss is all about. www.twitter.com/dawriter is where you’ll be able to find me and all of the interesting people that I follow. For some, Twitter is deemed as a waste of time, however I would advise to exercise caution on taking someone else’s word for it. Like so many other things in life, Twitter will give you back what you put into it. I’ve made a few business contacts and have garnered much more interest in my blogs and writing just by updating my daily Twitter thoughts. The world is full of people that love to hear what you have to say, that’s if you’re saying anything worth listening to. But, enough of the free advertising for Twitter.com, I’m sure they don’t need it but if a few of you decide to take my advice and drop by, make sure you give me a shout when you get there.
I want to get to the reason for this blog; I’ve been mulling it over for about a week now and since I have the time, I figured I needed to share some very important information with you guys. As you all know, winter is coming. The days are getting shorter, the nights are getting colder and, save for the occasional sunny afternoon, people are spending less and less time outdoors. That can only mean one thing: The Find Yourself a Winter Boo Fest has begun! Now, don’t look at your screen as if you have no idea what I’m talking about. I’m not the only one that notices when October rolls around the population of single men and women tend to diminish. It’s the exact opposite of the March and April Spring Cleanings that take place. I’m sure at least 3 or 4 of you that may be reading this have fallen victim to the, “I’m just not sure where this relationship is going. I think I’m going to need a few months to sort this out. It’s not you though, it’s me.” How many of you have heard that speech a time or two? It never fails, three or four weeks after Valentine’s Day, here come the sad faces and puppy dog eyes, suddenly what was once a thriving relationship is now filled with uncertainty and doubt. Well, the Winter Boo Fest is the exact opposite of that. Instead of people breaking up, you’ll find that everyone is suddenly “coupled” up, boo lovin’, bunning or whatever else it’s called in your particular geographical region. It drives me effin crazy!
I apologize for my animated outburst, however I’m highly offended by the sudden interest and you should be too. I mean, let’s be serious here, we’re all adults right (if we’re not, please click on that X at the top of your screen and go do some homework or something…little bad ass kids). So, like I was saying, we’re all adults here, so I’ll be frank, why the sudden interest? I’ve been the same cool, fun loving guy all year. I didn’t just get a personality transplant. So why am I suddenly, “so cute and attractive” when October rolls around? What’s wrong, weather getting cold and the big guy looks like he gives good hugs? Or is it the holidays are coming and you want Santa to make a few deliveries? In the words of Chad Ochocinco of the Cincinnati Bengal’s, “CHILE PLEASE!!”
I share this information with you good people so that you will not fall victim to the okeydoke. If someone is “suddenly” interested in you, I’d be very weary of that and make sure to do thorough investigating. Find out their dating history, if their relationships tend to only last 6-8 months and they always begin in September and October: RUN LIKE HELL!! Oh, and be careful, there are some tricksters out there that will start showing you interest in August; even though summer is still in full swing, they know that the winter is coming so they’re getting a head start. For those of you who just started your relationships within the last 6-8 weeks, I’m going to pray for you. There’s not really much you can do now because you don’t want to tip your hand that you’re on to their possible shenanigans; so, just be careful and insist that it’s too soon to spend the holidays with each other. You don’t want to meet the family for the first time during the holidays; it’s never pretty and never ends well.
I’m going to close this blog with a few words of wisdom. If they can’t love you in the summer time then they don’t deserve to love you in the winter time. You’re NOBODY’S bed warmer.
Hey, if u r ok with the fact that u may be around only for the season then go for it...I ain't mad at u! LOL there's nothing wrong with that if u can deal with what happens after...However there are winter romances that make it through the other seasons...Clap for em! Clap for em! Clap for em! Heyyy!
ReplyDeleteExactly...Plz stop making your pussy available because u want someone to take home to the family for Turkey Day and Xmas...
ReplyDeleteLMAOOO I mean if he only want a free plate and some ass, the gift wont be that grand anyways lol...but if they like it I love it...lol
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ReplyDeleteI agree with everything you said in this Blog...Self Respect if we had it in ourselves we would not feel the need to make our hearts out of a Changing Calender of Seasons...Nice Blog for Thoughts
ReplyDeleteVery good point, I feel you 100 percent.