Sunday, January 25, 2009

Lovesick (A quick poem)

OK, so since this is the official blog of a published author (I did tell you guys I was a published author, didn't I?) I figure it's finally time I show why I'm called DaWriter. A little background on me and my writing. I write because it's fun. It's always been easier for me to convey the exact message I've wanted to get across using the written the word. Maybe it's because growing up I was really quiet and shy (until I got to know you) and to a certain extent, I still am. However, it's something about the written word that soothes me and calms the inner raging that sometimes goes on within the confines of my head and heart. That inner raging is not necessarily negative energy, however I am a person that is very in tune with his emotions and I need an escape, so that I don't spontaneously combust. So, give me a pad and a pen and you never know what you're bound to read. I can be humorous, serious, inspiring, arousing and any other verb that you can think of, just throw an -ing on the end of it and it's all good.

Ok, so, with this piece, it was inspired by my dear mother. Lol. Anyone that knows me personally knows that my mother, brother and I are all very close, we try to hang out with each other every now and then and anyone that has been witnessed to that will be able to let you know that we are always on 'joketime'. If you like to laugh, just listen to some of the things we say and some of the stories we share, you'll need stitches, I promise. So, this poem is from the point of view of a "lovesick ass man" that she had so much to talk about...hope you enjoy...


More than a trick, just a little less than a bitch,

somewhere between weak and spent

Got damn a brother’s lovesick

Nyquil can’t fix, this queasy feeling that’s mixed

A bottle of water and mashed taters

can’t keep my stomach from doing flips


Maybe it’s just a bug, you know, the kind of the 24 hour variety

Please don’t let a brother be in love

Because you see, love you can’t spray

That shit just doesn’t go away

Kind of like the lingering feeling moving my bowels

with just the thought,

the hint of a possibility that she’s living foul

Living bogus, tramp, trick, take away the B and give you a W

Add an itch

Damn I’m sick

Even in pain, I’ll only border on the line of disrespect

Should toss your ass over

But I can’t stop tossing me

Cookies and milk

Who knew I was L-O-V-E intolerant

Pass me a bottle of Pepto

You know, the pink stuff

Because I’m green with envy, sort of like the way Bush looked

When he heard Obama closed Gitmo

Seriously, this is dangerous

Formerly amorous, now unrecognizable to self

Love is now cantankerous, with the lining of my stomach

I quit, I’ve had enough

Bile rising through the esophagus

Quick, hand me a bucket

Not for the tears, I’ve already said fuck it

A brother might be lovesick and shit

But I’ll be damned if I mess up this new outfit.


  1. Seeee this right here....this right that was ON! Your really are sick lol

  2. *snaps for the kid* I like that...
